Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The best teacher for you is yourself

Like I have stated in my 5 pickles plus big mac sauce extra credit assaignment, you can always count on professor Kurpis to go above and beyond the traditional teaching methods to help us learn something new. Never before have I kept and written a blog before or anything similar to it, like a journal, for that matter. I was a bit shocked when professor Kurpis told us that we were going to have an extra blog requirement where we needed to write about class experiences and to be honest, I wasn't looking forward to "staying on top" of this blog. Looking back at what this blog has done for me, I now realize how much I really did undervalue the assaignment. Reading my previous posts I now see what the true purpose of this blog. The purpose was not to "manage" this blog, keep it updated, get as many followers as you could or make it look "pretty". The true purpose of this blog was to repeat to yourself what you have learned on a given day. There were many assaignments and topics covered this semester, and like in this class, or any other classes, a student usually forgets what the heck he learned about that day as we are quick to forget the lesson plan. The blog was a way to repeat to yourself what we learned, everything from the major ideas to the subtleties like how the group interactions pissed us off. Through this method, professor Kurpis found a way to help these lessons really stick in our minds. This blog helped the professor let us, teach ourselves; if that makes any sense to whoever is reading this. I feel like the best way to truly understand something is when you explain it to yourself. Yes, you can learn from the professor, from the book or from fellow classmates, but through my past learning experiences I really noticed that I am my best teacher. I learn things the best, and for the longest amount of time when I explain it to myself. And by writting this blog I am sort of forced to re-teach myself what I have learned that day I wrote my post. This blog helped me learn the material twice, if not more times as well as I could have from the classroom experience, I think. And I am sad that I really didnt take more advantage of this blog opportunity and wrote blog posts for every single class lecture. I thank professor Kurpis for such an unconvential, yet very slick way of teaching us through this blog. And I recommend him, and all other professors to require a blog for all lessons.


  1. You got a point there man. I noticed that if I am able to explain things to myself I knew that I understood the material. What these blogs also served as ice breakers to start conversations in class with others.

  2. hey couldnt find you on facebook. I dont want to post Julian's address here, to invite you to that party hes having... send me an email or add me there so i can send you the info. or sanjana.chowdhury@b

  3. Your thoughts on the blog assignment and what it does for us was very true. It served as another way for us to better understand the material. It is always better to understand and know the material rather than memorizing it for an exam and possibly blank out because the material wasn't understood. Teaching yourself is the best way to make sure you have everything on point.
